Overcoming Conflict at Work w/ Andy Holt

Andy Holt joins the podcast to discuss the ever-relevant topic of overcoming conflict at work.

Some people end up in conflicts often, so Andy recommends paying attention to how others react to the conflict you have perceived; if you are much more stressed than everyone else, then you need to look internally, not externally. The first step to overcoming conflict is to slow down and think about your reactions to perceived conflicts.

Partaking in bickering and gossip with coworkers creates a negative environment for the entire team; the best way to avoid or resolve conflicts is to handle them directly and sincerely ask the other party to start over. Overall, it’s best to take the high road and take initiative to make things right.

When dealing with conflict with bosses, it’s best to separate emotion from the facts and keep discussions simply factual. It’s good to be open, honest, and understand that you can’t control your boss’s response. As a boss dealing with employee conflict, it’s a good idea to avoid firing on the spot and give employees a chance to think about the conflict at hand, such as by giving them a paid “cool-off period.”

Customer conflicts may arise from pricing issues. The technician can ease tensions by quoting jobs up front and bundling services to show the customer where the value is. To resolve conflicts with customers, the best thing to do is be attentive to their concerns.

Andy and Bryan also discuss:

  • “Designing” a reaction
  • Dealing with big egos
  • Letting people go
  • Working towards agreements vs. forcing bargains
  • Dealing with hot tempers
  • Taking ownership of comfort problems
  • MeasureQuick and fact-based conversations


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