Understanding 240-Volt Circuits
What Makes an Autotransformer Different?
Connecting Transformers in Parallel
Multi Tap Primary Transformers
Careful With That 40VA Transformer
Tech Tips:

It can be useful to think of a multimeter as a “voltage drop” tool. Bryan covers the concept here in an excellent class that I highly recommend. This concept was a big help to me as I began to truly learn how to use a multimeter. A meter reads the voltage differential between two points. […]
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The definition of a transformer is a device that changes the voltages in an alternating current circuit. You may have heard of an autotransformer or a buck-boost transformer, and these terms are usually used for the same type of device; they just highlight different aspects. A transformer does not need to be a buck-boost to […]
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I had an old-timer tell me that you can never connect two transformers together because they will “fight one another.” If you are anything like me (and heaven help you if you are), a cartoon in your head starts playing whenever someone says something like that. In this case, I imagine two transformers with boxing […]
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Have you ever seen a low-voltage transformer like the one shown above? It has multiple input (primary) taps for a good reason. It is common to find three-phase and single-phase equipment rated to operate on both 240v and 208v power. That is because three-phase power can either be 208v leg to leg when the building […]
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A 40VA transformer is rated for 40 VA or volt-amps on the secondary. For a typical 24 volt secondary, this is simply using Watt's law to calculate amperage. (For more information on Watt's or Ohm's laws, please check out this article HERE.) 40 ÷ 24 = 1.666666 ∞ (round up to 1.67 already) So, you […]
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