Clocking a Gas Meter (It’s not that hard)
Tech Question – Why Do ECM Motors Trip a GFCI?
The Good Old Heat Anticipator
Condensate Drainage in a High Efficiency Gas Furnace
Properly Diagnosing a Gas Furnace Pressure Switch
Does a Furnace Decrease Humidity?
Venting for High-Efficiency Gas Furnaces – Part 2 Assembly
Venting for High efficiency Gas Furnaces – Part 1 Materials
Tech Tips:

I've heard a lot made of clocking gas meters over the years, and honestly, in Florida, there isn't too much call for heat. There are even fewer furnaces. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out how easy it actually is. Here is how you do it, step by step: #1 – Make sure all […]
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This question was submitted on the site in response to the recent GFCI tip. It's a good question with several possible answers. What do you think? Hey Bryan, I have had a few instances where we are firing off a furnace in a new build with a temporary power pole outside with gfci outlets installed […]
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As a technician, you most likely know some customers who still have an oldie thermostat (you know, those old mercury bulb things, like the round Honeywell CT87 and such). Keep in mind that those usually have an adjustable heat anticipator. If you’re newer in the field, you may not have seen or worked with those […]
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This article was written by HVAC/furnace technician Benoît Mongeau. Thank you, Ben. High efficiency (or 90%, or condensing) furnaces use a set of two heat exchangers to retrieve more heat from the combustion products than their mid-efficiency counterparts. Because of this, they generate flue gases much colder than those of a mid-efficiency or […]
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This article was written by boiler technician Justin Skinner. Big thanks to Justin for being one of the rare techs who cares enough to take the time to write something like this. Thank you, Justin! Pressure switches are used in a variety of applications. Generally, they are a normally open switch that closes with either […]
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Does heating the air cause the humidity in the air to decrease? Yes and no. Heating air causes the RELATIVE humidity percentage to decrease, but it does not change the overall moisture content in grains of moisture per lb of air. Many old-timers will swear a blue blaze that oversizing a furnace will directly result […]
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This article was written by senior furnace tech Benoît (Ben) Mongeau. Ben hails from the frozen tundra of Ontario, Canada, where high-efficiency gas furnaces are commonplace. While some codes and practices may be different from the US, I find that most of it is common sense and translates pretty well. One glaring difference between Canada […]
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This article was written by senior furnace tech Benoît (Ben) Mongeau. Ben hails from the frozen tundra of Ontario, Canada, where high-efficiency gas furnaces are commonplace. While some codes and practices may be different from the US, I find that most of it is common sense and translates pretty well. One glaring difference between Canada […]
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