Engineers vs. Technicians w/ Bill Spohn

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In this episode of the podcast, we talk to Bill Spohn from TruTech Tools about how TruTech Tools got its start and some of the ways that techs and engineers approach problems differently.

Bill Spohn is a majority owner of TruTech Tools who became invested in the HVAC field in the 1990s. The beginning of TruTech Tools was a milestone in Bill's professional journey. After working at Superior Valve for a few years, Bill moved to Testo. While Americanizing many of Testo's products, Bill Spohn met Jim Bergmann. A German Testo employee advised Jim Bergmann's father to set up an online store for the Testo products and other HVAC tools. That website later became known as TruTech Tools. Jim, his father, and Bill were at the forefront of the new company. Bill contributed to the development of TruTech Tools through his product and marketing knowledge. Since then, TruTech Tools has grown a lot more. Jim Bergmann has since moved on, but he is still friends with Bill and remains a major figure in the instrument development and testing part of the HVAC industry.

Bill considers himself to be an engineer. Unlike technicians, engineers have a deeper level of expertise in the development of tools and products. However, technicians have greater field knowledge and provide valuable feedback for engineers like Bill. Engineers know the math behind their products and how to use those products. However, technicians provide the practical element to tool development. Both technicians and engineers must be humble to work well together, exchange ideas, and technologically progress.

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