Short #85 – Low Voltage, Low Voltage

In this short podcast episode, Bryan explains what happens when your low-voltage circuit puts out a lower voltage than it should.

Bryan recently received an email asking about the low voltage on a 20-ton split system with a long control wire; the voltage coming back to the condenser is only 19 volts, so there was some contactor chattering. First, in a case like that, you'll want to figure out why the voltage isn't as high as it should be. The control wire and line sets could be longer than the design specs, which may contribute to the problem. If the distance between components is the main issue, then you can use a relay to mitigate voltage drop and amp draw.

You'll also want to check that you've tapped the transformer correctly. Since most transformers are single-phase, they'll probably start off tapped to 240v; when you're dealing with three-phase equipment, you must ensure that the transformer is tapped to 208v.

One of the obvious issues to check is the voltage drop. If 26 volts are coming out of the transformer but you're only measuring 19, then you're clearly losing volts and have some resistance. Think about ALL of the conductors; is the drop the same across all of them? If so, then you've likely got a length and wire sizing problem. You can correct that issue with proper wire sizing; you can't always control the length, but if you can, then it's a good issue to address. If there's an issue with only one conductor, then the switch could have a problem, or there might be some wire splices.

If the load is drawing higher current than it should, then something could be impeding the motion on the solenoid, contactor, or another electrical component.

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