Rick Streacker
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How To Do a Heat Maintenance That Actually Matters
I know I’m not the only one who has sometimes felt a little bad doing heat maintenance. I remember many a day when my lead technician and I (as an apprentice) would crawl into an attic, clean the flame sensor, and then play FarmVille on our phones for 15 minutes before crawling down, giving the […]
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Technology Trade-offs
As a small business owner in the 21st century, I have recently been exposed to the overwhelming amount of new technologies and processes that I could use within my business. In the last few years, there has been a surge of software and connected tools that are entering the marketplace. All of them promise to […]
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HRVs and ERVs in Commercial Buildings
This tech tip is based on a presentation by Joey Henderson, a veteran symposium speaker and excellent HVAC educator. You can learn more about Joey and the work he does at joejoehvac.com and his YouTube channel HERE. We recently published a tech tip about economizers as a means of bringing fresh air into commercial buildings. […]
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