Helping Small Owners Succeed w/ WorkHero

Join Bryan Orr and Furman Haynes from WorkHero for a great discussion about how to keep HVAC local and help more small owners succeed.

Live from AHR Expo 2025, we get to hear from one of the founders of an exciting new company that is offering expert office management that small HVAC business owners can afford.

Bryan also talks with Furman about a survey that HVAC School and WorkHero recently conducted that received over 1,300 responses and yielded fascinating data about the day-to-day challenges of running HVAC businesses.

Key topics covered:

  • The challenges small HVAC business owners face with administrative work
  • How the average small business owner spends 15.4 hours per week on non-revenue generating tasks
  • The impact of private equity consolidation on local HVAC businesses
  • How AI and human expertise can work together to support small contractors
  • The importance of preserving craftsmanship and technical excellence in local HVAC businesses
  • Ways to help small business owners focus on growth while reducing administrative burden

Whether you're a small business owner looking to optimize your operations or simply interested in the future of local HVAC, this conversation offers valuable insights into maintaining the soul of our industry while embracing new technologies and solutions. Learn about Helping Small Owners Succeed with WorkHero!


View results of Industry Pulse Survey at

Work Hero website:

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