Effective IAQ Measurement & Control w/ Haven

In this podcast, Ben from HAVEN IAQ, Kaleb, and Bryan discuss how to control indoor air quality and take effective, meaningful, accurate measurements.

HAVEN is a platform that offers hardware and software delivered to a homeowner through an HVAC professional. HAVEN’s goal is to give its customers a healthier, more comfortable home using IAQ solutions.

The hardware (controls, etc.) works with the HAVEN software to give customers and contractors data about IAQ and the performance of the HVAC equipment. Right now, you may install up to two HAVEN controllers and one monitor per zone to help control equipment and monitor the air content.

Air sampling occurs every hour, whether the HVAC system is running or not. Customers can learn to control their ventilation habits to address acute events (e.g., a spike in humidity from cooking), which only result in short-term IAQ problems. However, contractors can use the air sampling data to develop solutions for chronic events (e.g., constant high humidity).

Solutions, even simple filtration ones, are best left to the contractors to figure out. The integration of most IAQ products requires some degree of design and planning. HAVEN products do NOT provide plug-and-play solutions. While “demand” solutions can introduce outdoor air to prevent a viral problem, you could introduce a moisture problem without proper planning.

Ben, Kaleb, and Bryan also discuss:

  • HAVEN central air controller
  • Building relationships with customers
  • Software integrations with other platforms
  • Filtration caveats
  • HAVEN Pro Portal and Personal Use Program
  • Ease of connecting HAVEN controllers to equipment
  • “Demand” ventilation, dehumidification, etc.
  • Importance of airflow
  • Making IAQ product sales and educating homeowners
  • IAQ placebos
  • In-duct monitoring
  • Introducing HAVEN products to your market

Please visit to access HAVEN’s Pro Portal.

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