College vs. Skilled Trades W/ Ryan Gorman

Ryan Gorman comes on the podcast to discuss the differences between a college education and early career opportunities in the skilled trades.

Many parents feel pressured to send their children to college and encourage them to get a four-year degree. Despite what society may lead us to believe, there is no shame in thinking that college may not be suitable for you or your child; the skilled trades have many opportunities for people to learn throughout their lives and make a good living.

In many cases, parents may see college as a ticket to the starting line. Unfortunately, college tuition has skyrocketed over the years, and a good ROI is not guaranteed. Instead, a career in the skilled trades can allow a person to develop hard skills and land a well-paying job at a young age. As the skills gap widens, young people who learn skills make themselves attractive to employers and increase their earning potential.

Children and teenagers who want to become engineers may actually prefer a trades career where they get to work with their hands. The path to the trades is less expensive than getting a four-year degree and may prove more fulfilling in the long run. Internships, small businesses, and trades careers are viable paths for young people; we don’t present these possibilities at a young age, but they are worth considering for people who may not benefit from college.

Ryan and Bryan also discuss:

  • The arbitrary structure of college programs
  • Parents wanting better for their children
  • Overvaluing the 4-year degree
  • Networking
  • The skills gap
  • Craftsperson vs. technician
  • Feeling “stuck”
  • Attending college at an older age
  • Lifelong learning
  • Universal skills vs. specialization
  • Suggested resources for people who feel “stuck”

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