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The Turbo Easy Start has a potential relay, metalized film start capacitor (as opposed to electrolytic), and a magnet in the bottom, and it allows you to tap for multiple microfarad ratings for various compressor types. It’s pretty easy to wire up, as shown in the video, and it uses similar technology to the Turbo 200 capacitor.
When you jump out various points, you can get from 108-130 MFD to up to 270-324 MFD. For a 5-ton unit, we use the highest wiring setting, which requires us to jump all of the outside terminals together; white goes to the herm terminal, and black goes to the C terminal.
Our inrush amp rating BEFORE we install the Turbo Easy Start is over 133, and the compressor doesn’t even start successfully. However, the inrush amps significantly drop to 77.2 after installing the Turbo Easy Start, and the compressor starts up easily.
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