What Is BetterHVAC? w/ Bill Spohn, Kevin Hart, Ben Reed, Adam Mufich
February 19, 2024
The group introduces BetterHVAC.org and explains how it aims to harmonize industry efforts through a declaration, pledge, and community focused on continuous learning, ethical practice, and open sharing. They invite everyone to read the declaration, sign the pledge, and commit to taking action over the next 7, 30, and 90 days. The website indexes training events, responsible contractors, and more to come.
This growing movement responds to market forces working against the interests of homeowners and local businesses. It facilitates intentional collaboration to overcome hurdles and amplify the great work already being done by organizations like HVAC Excellence, NCI, ACCA, and HVAC distributors. Join the discussion and be part of building momentum for better HVAC!
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