Temperature Clamp Calibration (SM380V Thermocouple Temperature Clamps)

Bryan demonstrates his method of temperature clamp calibration. In this video, he uses a bowl of ice and the SM380V SMAN thermocouple temperature clamps from Fieldpiece.

You need to calibrate your temperature clamps regularly to make sure they stay accurate. During calibration, the ports need to stay the same, so it’s a good idea to take a bowl of ice water and use that to calibrate the clamps in their current position. The ice should be melting, and you would simply submerge the temperature clamps. You can clamp the SM380V thermocouple temperature clamps onto ice cubes while they’re submerged for best results.

The temperature should say 32 degrees. If you read anything above or below 32, you will need to recalibrate the clamps. You do that by pressing the “Menu” button, locating “CalTemp,” and using the buttons to bring the suction and liquid line temperature clamps down to 32 degrees. Pressing the “Menu” button again will allow the SM380V to resume normal operation with the newly calibrated clamps.

We use a bowl of ice water because it’s a known temperature source; the saturation point between solid and liquid water is 32 degrees, and we know that the ice water is at 32 degrees because the ice is in the process of melting.

To calibrate the pressure, we merely ensure that the hoses are open and press the “Zero Pressure” button.


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