HVAC Service VS. Installation
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Overall, installation tends to be more physically taxing and focused on workmanship, especially if you’re fabricating ductwork or running copper through tight spaces. Although you still have to do some physically demanding tasks in service, it’s usually few and far between compared to installation.
On the flipside, service typically has more mental strain. Service is where we do troubleshooting, which requires us to solve complex problems. People who appreciate solving problems and communicating with others will probably find service more fulfilling than installation. However, you’re making a lot of decisions yourself, and making the wrong decision or talking to customers about less-than-ideal time and price estimates can lead to stress.
Scheduling tends to vary between the two as well. Service technicians may have to work nights and weekends depending on the demand for their work, but installers may have a bit more of a clear schedule since they don’t generally have to respond to service calls. Granted, scheduling will depend on how busy a company is in both cases.
Installers can be further divided into two more categories. Projects technicians tend to work on new constructions. On the other hand, replacement, retail, or retrofit technicians tend to work on replacements. The latter technicians tend to have a blend of skills from the service and installation sides, including customer service skills.
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