Air Oasis Nano Installation

Kalos Service Manager Jesse Claerbout shows the installation process of the Air Oasis Nano air purifier in a Floridian duct board application. The Air Oasis Nano is an AHPCO purifier that goes into the supply duct, meaning that it uses hydroxyl ions to neutralize bacteria, viruses, and VOCs in the air.

In this video, we show how to wire the Air Oasis Nano in with a G call and an upsize transformer, but you can also do it with an alternate transformer and a relay.

Jesse starts by creating a hole in the ductwork for the Nano to poke into, as the airflow needs to be able to pass over the Nano. After he has made the hole, he backs out the screws so that the Nano can be set in place. Once it’s in place, he retightens the screws.

The Nano comes into a plug that goes into the transformer directly. However, if you want the Nano to come on and off whenever you get a G call, you can wire it in that way as well. The Nano has a 24v power supply, and one line goes to the common. The other goes to the blower (green wire). Whenever we have a G call, the Nano will start up with the blower. In our case, we also replaced the transformer.


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