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MeasureQuick is a process-focused app, and it walks the user through diagnosis and commissioning processes. It documents the results and allows its user to get a systemic understanding of the appliance and the problem at hand. As a result, measureQuick can reduce callbacks and errors while increasing customer satisfaction and achieving faster, more accurate diagnoses. Callbacks come with significant costs, whether those costs relate to the callback directly or come from overhead, so measureQuick attempts to reduce the sources of callback costs for HVAC contractors.
The home screen shows live data from the system; you just have to configure the measureQuick mode based on the appliance (heat pump, furnace, etc.) and the operating mode (heating or cooling). The toolbox allows you to add Bluetooth-synced tools and mappings to your account.
First, you will want to deploy your probes and ensure that they’re in the proper locations. When you’re measuring the air at supply registers, you need to make sure your probe is INSIDE the register to avoid getting measurements that resulted from some degree of air mixing around the vent. Turn the system on and allow it to stabilize. As with temperatures and pressures, electrical readings should only be added after the system has stabilized.
You can also choose to assign the data to an individual project, integrate it with other programs (like Sensi), add job site details, profile the system, and set the workflow sequence within the app. Profiling the system is one of the most important parts of the advanced diagnostic process, as it allows you to set targets, line set size, filtration information, electrical information, fan types, and basic equipment identifiers (like the model number). Whenever you complete a section of the project, you will see a green checkmark; an incomplete section will have a red X.
With your tools sending information directly to measureQuick, you can use the app to view the system vitals. These readings give you critical information about the system airflow and charge, and they will likely be some of the most important pieces of information during the diagnostic process. You will have to specify the metering device type and airflow specs to get the most accurate assessments of superheat, subcooling, pressures, airflow, and approach. MeasureQuick’s algorithms are sophisticated enough to give accurate assessments of refrigerant that needs to be added to the system.
MeasureQuick tests for major and minor faults and displays its findings. It also provides just-in-time education about the findings and gives contractors an opportunity to educate customers as well. The diagnostics that show up on measureQuick are probability-based; the numbers indicate how many symptoms of a particular problem are shown, and a technician needs to be able to interpret the results. MeasureQuick also provides extended performance data and normalizes the capacity based on load conditions.
After the system has been all set, you can benchmark the system. Benchmarking a system allows all technicians who work on a system to compare their data to a standard. It also allows for non-invasive testing in the future.
MeasureQuick also has quick tests, which are pass-fail assessments of the equipment that rely on measurements from sensors. These tests include a temperature-compensated pressure test (which applies gas laws) and a duct leakage test (which obtains data from sensors and a return duct air loss test).
MeasureQuick now allows you to document photos and export PDFs to be printed or emailed, and it also has some new options that are exclusive to gas appliances, including combustion analysis.
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