ABC’s of New A2Ls w/ Opteon

Join hosts Bryan Orr and the HVAC School as they sit down with Chuck Allgood and Nick Strickland of Chemours at the 2024 AHR Expo in Chicago. In this video, Bryan interviews Chuck and Nick about Chemours' new lower global warming potential A2L refrigerants - Opteon XL40 (R-454A), Opteon XL41 (R-454B), and Opteon XL20 (R-454C).

Nick provides an overview of the key features and benefits of Opteon’s new “ABC” refrigerants – XL40, XL41, and XL20. He explains how the naming and order make them easy to remember, with R-454B (less than 750 GWP) as the current go-to for AC and heat pumps, R-454A (less than 300 GWP) for chillers, and R-454C (less than 150 GWP) for the California market. The discussion covers capacity, efficiency, real-world performance, and the shifting regulatory landscape driving the adoption of lower GWP solutions, leaving behind the Freon legacy.

The guests also address common contractor concerns around handling, installation, and service of these mildly flammable A2L refrigerants, including line set routing. They point HVAC techs and companies to Chemours and other industry resources for training and additional information to help ease the transition.

Learn more about the new Opteon A2L refrigerants at


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