Using AlloyBraze Rod On Plate Aluminum
November 28, 2018
AlloyBraze differs from AlloySol in that the latter is designed for patching aluminum in a low-temperature range with an external flux. On the other hand, AlloyBraze has an internal flux and creates stronger surface bonds on thicker aluminum. AlloyBraze creates more of a weld-like bond than a brazed bond for connecting piping at a joint.
We start by heating the base material. The flux comes out of the rod first and coats the surface, and Bryan creates a butt weld between the plates. Again, the goal is to draw the AlloyBraze into the joint. After letting the joint sit for a little while, Bryan decides to thermal-cycle the plate aluminum joint in a bucket of water. (We normally wouldn’t do that on a field connection, but we did it for the sake of demonstration.)
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