Under Pressure
The Ten Duct Commandments (Plus a Few More)
Reading CFM and Duct Velocity with a Testo 510i, the Smart Probe app and a Pitot Tube
Measuring Airflow Podcasts w/ Jim Bergmann
Tech Tips:

A few weeks ago, I was hired to consult on a multi-family new construction project. The building was already framed, and the ducts were roughed in. The owner of the building was concerned with the quality of the ductwork. He noticed that the HVAC company was not following the mechanical engineer's plans. This was my […]
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This article was written by my good friend, Neil Comparetto. He is one of the all-around best dudes in the industry and a guy who practices what he preaches on duct design. Thanks, Neil! These are some fundamentals for designing and installing duct systems that I’ve learned over the years. Included are links to […]
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Reading CFM and Duct Velocity In this video, we cover the basics of using the Testo 510i with a pitot tube to do a duct traverse and easily calculate Velocity in FPM and volume in CFM on a small 8″ duct. Using this method is handy because you can use the reliable, accurate and inexpensive […]
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In this two-part podcast series, Jim Bergmann covers measuring airflow in HVAC systems. He covers a wide range of airflow measurement instrumentation and readings. In the HVAC industry, many techs confuse static pressure for airflow. Although you need static pressure to have airflow, it is NOT airflow and can fluctuate rather wildly depending on the […]
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