
Tech Tips:

The HVAC/R Island of Misfit Toys
It’s that time of year again. The tree has been decorated, cookies have been baked, festive family photos with my 10 kids have been sent out to friends, and we’ve had no shortage of service calls about “smoking” heat pumps. (Don’t worry, that’s normal.) You know how much I enjoy Christmas movies by now, and […]
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An Argument for the Trades as a Viable Career Path
  “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Where will you go to college?” Young people hear those questions all the time. Although we ask those questions in good faith, they also carry a burden of expectations.  By asking those questions, we imply that we expect the children to go to college […]
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Storming the Gates to Trade Education
Before we jump into the stuff that will make folks angry, let's start with some common ground. Most of us can probably agree that the desired result of education in the trades is: Knowing what you are doing and doing it as safely, efficiently, and correctly as possible. If we can agree that we all […]
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Wiring Refrigerated Cases w/ Nathan & Phil
 Phil Barr and Nathan Orr join the podcast to talk about wiring refrigerated cases in commercial spaces, including convenience stores and supermarkets. Cases may be medium-temp (or high-temp, in some cases) or low-temp. Medium-temp cases can typically defrost on their own during the off cycle, and low-temp cases may have electric or hot-gas defrost […]
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