
Tech Tips:

Finishing Trade School? Some Things you Need to Know
So, I hear you're just finishing trade school. Well done. You chose to take an excellent path, and now your journey is just beginning. How this will go is really up to you, and that's a good thing! You aren't going to be forced in one direction or another; you get to choose. Let's talk […]
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Unapologetically a Technician
For years, I've worked with and around people who view work, problems, and goals differently than I do. I've often told my wife that I have an issue managing and leading administrators, salespeople, and other inside staff. Why? It's because I just don't communicate in a way they seem to like. It's been 20 years […]
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3 Bad Techs Who Don’t Know It
First, let's state the obvious and clear the air a bit. The photo above is SUPER CHEESY! But this story is about three bad techs who don't know it, so a photo of three models clearly posing in clean clothes makes as good of a proxy for a bad tech as anything else. First off, I'm […]
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Nomenclature and How to Use It
Nomenclature on HVAC/R equipment is a sequence of numbers and letters a manufacturer uses to speak directly to the technician. Lots of initial upfront information is handed to the technician by the manufacturer the moment the technician reads the nomenclature in the model and serial numbers. So, how do we make sense of these seemingly […]
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Removing a Blower Motor
I’ve seen a lot of guys recently who reach for the motor puller tool first thing when attempting to remove a blower motor from a wheel/fan blade. Motor puller tools are an awesome backup tool when needed, but using a motor puller tool shouldn’t be the go-to method of removing a motor. The main issue […]
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The 10 Commandments of the HVAC/R Technician
One trait I've seen with good technicians is that they take their jobs VERY seriously, but they learn not to take themselves too seriously. A few months ago, I had someone tell me online that I must think I'm the A/C “god” because I'm always telling everyone the “right” way to do things. This got […]
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