Static Pressure, Manometers, and Magnehelics
Glide at Static Pressure
Air Filter Static Pressure Drop
How to Determine the Friction Rate for Residential Duct Design
Reading CFM and Duct Velocity with a Testo 510i, the Smart Probe app and a Pitot Tube
Tech Tips:

When you start talking airflow, it can get pretty in-depth pretty quickly. There is a big gap between what is useful for the average tech to apply every day and the whole story, so let's start with the simplest part to understand: static pressure. Static pressure is simply the force exerted in all directions within […]
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Source: Refrigerant Slider in the Ref Tools App We've been pretty spoiled in residential and light commercial HVAC in the USA because we haven't needed to deal with glide much. In HVAC/R, glide is the window of difference between the boiling points in blended refrigerants; when you have a refrigerant blend made up of different […]
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I'm a big dummy when it comes to my own air conditioning maintenance. I talk about the importance of changing air filters to customers and techs, but I never stay up on replacing my own. Yesterday, I walked into my mechanical room, and my 2-ton air handler sounded like a vacuum cleaner about to implode. […]
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This article is written by one of the smartest guys I know online, Neil Comparetto. Thanks, Neil! Recently, I posted a question in the HVAC School Group on Facebook that went like this: “When designing a residential duct system, what friction rate do you use?” As of writing this, only one answer was correct according […]
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Reading CFM and Duct Velocity In this video, we cover the basics of using the Testo 510i with a pitot tube to do a duct traverse and easily calculate Velocity in FPM and volume in CFM on a small 8″ duct. Using this method is handy because you can use the reliable, accurate and inexpensive […]
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