
Tech Tips:

Indirect Soldering Technique
As HVAC/R techs, we don't generally do a lot of soldering—unless you are in a shop that has embraced Stay Brite® 8 from Harris. Several aluminum repair products on the market also use an indirect soldering type technique, so this is a general and generic overview of some best practices. As always, follow the manufacturer's […]
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HVAC/R Brazing Indicators
When brazing and soldering, we have a few things we need to accomplish to make a proper connection: We can't overheat the joint until it overheats the base metal or the flux where applicable. We must bring the entire joint above the melting temperature of the brazing alloy. Draw the alloy deep into the joint. […]
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Refrigerant Leak Detection and Prevention: Epic Article
Let’s face it, refrigerant leak detection and prevention will always be important in our trade. Whether we’re dealing with leaks from corrosion or poor connections, we will always run into them in some form. We’ve touched on refrigerant leak prevention and detection quite a lot at HVAC School. Many of our articles, podcasts, and videos […]
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