
Tech Tips:

R-454B vs. R-410A Side by Side
This tech tip was written by Dr. Chuck Allgood from Chemours. Thanks, Dr. Chuck! As the ramp-up of new AC units and heat pumps with low-GWP refrigerant R-454B accelerates, it may be useful to look at some of the basic properties of R-454B refrigerant as compared to the legacy gas it’s replacing: R-410A. This tech tip […]
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New A2L Refrigerants – “Easy as ABC”
This tech tip was written by Dr. Chuck Allgood with Chemours. Thanks, Dr. Chuck! While the ever-evolving world of refrigerants can often seem overwhelming with what seems like a never-ending parade of new gases being developed, taking a simplified approach may help clear the clutter. It can be as easy as A, B, C—that is, […]
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