Gas Pool Heater Components and Common Issues
Gas Furnaces – What a Tech Needs to Know
Clocking a Gas Meter (It’s not that hard)
#natural gas
Tech Tips:

I know, I know. You came here for HVAC content, so why are we talking about pool heaters? Since we live in Florida and don’t have that much of a heating season, we have to look for other forms of work during the winter months. Pool heaters fit the bill quite nicely since they’re actually […]
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It’s that time of year again—the furnace service calls are peaking. It’s a good idea to crack open Jason Obrzut’s book, Gas Heating: Furnaces, Boilers, Controls, Components, and listen to the many public podcasts and presentations by experts like Jim Bergmann. At HVAC School, we’re fortunate to have had some of the industry’s greatest minds […]
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I've heard a lot made of clocking gas meters over the years, and honestly, in Florida, there isn't too much call for heat. There are even fewer furnaces. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out how easy it actually is. Here is how you do it, step by step: #1 – Make sure all […]
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