
Tech Tips:

What is a Micron?
To answer the question in the title, we use it as a measurement of pressure. REALLY, it is a measurement of distance. First, any scale CAN be used to measure vacuum (negative pressure) and positive pressure. The trick is knowing which is best suited for which and the size of the scale. Larger units of […]
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What if you Only Have One Large Hose?
When evacuating, the FASTEST way is to use two large diameter hoses connected to two core removal tools and the cores removed. These hoses are then connected to the pump using a tee or evacuation “tree”. However, when you only have one large hose another acceptable method is to connect the large hose to the suction […]
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What if you Only Have One Large Hose?
When evacuating, the FASTEST way is to use two large diameter hoses connected to two core removal tools and the cores removed. These hoses are then connected to the pump using a tee or evacuation “tree”. However, when you only have one large hose another acceptable method is to connect the large hose to the suction […]
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Q&A – Vacuum Questions Answered
 In this episode of the HVAC School podcast, host Bryan dives deep into the topic of vacuum in HVAC and refrigeration systems. He addresses two questions from social media about vacuum, expanding them into a comprehensive discussion of best practices, common issues, and techniques for effective vacuum procedures. Bryan starts by explaining where to […]
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Absolute vs. Gauge Pressure (Micron Gauge vs. Manometer) – Short #184
 In this short podcast episode, Bryan covers the differences between absolute and gauge pressure, as well as measuring pressure with a micron gauge or a manometer. Compression ratio deals with absolute suction and absolute discharge pressures. Absolute pressure requires us to add atmospheric pressure to the gauge pressure. We usually measure gauge pressure in […]
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