How Do Communicating Systems Work?
Troubleshooting Inverter Boards
ECM, VFD, and Inverter – What’s the Difference?
Tech Tips:

This tech tip recaps the livestream by the same name, featuring HVAC School contributors Matt Bruner and Adam Mufich, as well as special guest Steve Cook from Hisense. You can watch that livestream on our YouTube channel HERE. We also owe special thanks to Roman Baugh, who added some extra information on the topic. Communicating […]
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Let's talk about the magic that is inverters and how to test the boards that drive this technology. Inverters play an extremely important role in household appliances, industrial machinery, and the rising popularity of household HVAC systems. Inverters consist of a wide variety of electronic circuitry, and there are many situations in which they need […]
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Ever since Nikola Tesla invented the modern induction motor, we have been struggling with varying the speed of motors efficiently and reliably. The trouble in the HVAC industry is that there are several different types of technologies in play, and they can easily get confused. ECM (electronically commutated motor) In residential and light commercial HVAC, […]
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