
Tech Tips:

How I Failed to Re-diagnose: The Lesson I Learned
This is the tale of how I found myself stuck on a service call for over 12 hours on a weekend due to my failure to re-diagnose an issue. I was working for a service company that had many accounts with local gas stations. These were large customers, and we did everything we could to […]
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Oxyacetylene Torches: Tips and Operation
    Everyone in the HVAC/R trade uses some type of torch to braze or solder alloys together. So, what is the proper way to handle an oxyacetylene torch? It turns out that there’s more than one right answer. Depending on which torch rig you use, the manufacturer’s manuals for operation may vary.  Everyone (hopefully) knows […]
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Liquid Line Solenoid Valves: Long Line Applications
Pump down solenoid valves are commonplace for any refrigeration technician. They are energized with the compressor still running, shutting off flow in the liquid line so that the refrigerant is pumped into the condenser and receiver. The compressor will then shut off once a low-pressure switch opens the circuit when the pressure falls below a […]
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Trades and the Skills Gap – A Manifesto
This article is a year old, and I'm recycling it because it's on my mind today. I had a fun conversation with Richard Trethewey on the podcast that has me thinking along these lines today. The link is HERE if the player isn't showing up. I have a confession to make. I'm a bit of […]
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Using Power Factor to Check Capacitors Under Load
Capacitors are traditionally tested with a capacitance meter (commonly found as a function within a multimeter), with the component taken entirely out of the circuit. “Bench testing,” as this method is referred to, is hands-down the safest method of checking capacitance in microfarads. All other methods require the capacitor to be wired into the circuit […]
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Using Power Factor to Check Capacitors Under Load
Capacitors are traditionally tested with a capacitance meter (commonly found as a function within a multimeter), with the component taken entirely out of the circuit. “Bench testing,” as this method is referred to, is hands-down the safest method of checking capacitance in microfarads. All other methods require the capacitor to be wired into the circuit […]
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The 10 Commandments of the HVAC/R Technician
One trait I've seen with good technicians is that they take their jobs VERY seriously, but they learn not to take themselves too seriously. A few months ago, I had someone tell me online that I must think I'm the A/C “god” because I'm always telling everyone the “right” way to do things. This got […]
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Storming the Gates to Trade Education
Before we jump into the stuff that will make folks angry, let's start with some common ground. Most of us can probably agree that the desired result of education in the trades is: Knowing what you are doing and doing it as safely, efficiently, and correctly as possible. If we can agree that we all […]
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Electronic Leak Detection DOES WORK
I hear many techs complain about the finicky and ineffective nature of electronic leak detection. So much so that some claim that it is a waste of time altogether. We recently located a leak inside the fins of a ductless evaporator coil—pinpointed to an exact spot—using an electronic leak detector. For demonstration purposes, we took […]
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When to Switch to Emergency Heat? – Short #190
 In this short podcast episode, Bryan talks about when to switch to emergency heat. He talks about coefficient of performance (COP) and how it's a deciding factor when to run emergency heat, which is when a system ONLY runs the backup heat; it doesn't use it as supplementary heat. When we have a heat […]
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Combustion Venting Categories – Short #189
 In this short podcast episode, Bryan talks about the four different combustion venting categories for gas appliances as set by ASHRAE and where you'll see them. He also shares some notes about pressurization. These categories deal with the pressurization and temperature ranges of the vents. Category 1 venting is used for old-school open-combustion gas […]
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Focus of Your Goals with Refrigeration Mentor
 In this episode of the HVAC School Podcast, Bryan Orr and Trevor Matthews delve into the importance of setting goals, focusing on them, and taking actionable steps to achieve them. They emphasize that goal-setting is crucial for personal and professional growth and that it requires introspection, prioritization, and sacrifice. Trevor shares his experience of […]
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Manual J in 15 Minutes?
 Shelby Breger, co-founder of Conduit Tech, joins Bryan Orr on the HVAC School Podcast to discuss her company's innovative lidar-enabled design and sales software tool for HVAC contractors. Conduit Tech's software utilizes lidar sensors in iPads and iPhones to scan homes and create 3D models and 2D floor plans. It overlays load calculations factoring […]
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Belt Talk – Short #188
 In this short podcast episode, Bryan dives into some belt talk, including some bits about pulleys and sheaves. He also shares some belt tensioning tips for your next commercial HVAC job. Belts are less common than they used to be, but we find them in ventilation fans, RTUs, and AHUs. Squealing belts indicate slippage, […]
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Using the Roomulator w/ Chris Hughes
 In this episode of the HVAC School Podcast, host Bryan Orr speaks with Chris Hughes of The Energy Conservatory (TEC) about using the Roomulator card and DG-8 manometer for room pressurization testing. Chris provides background on how he came up with the idea for the Roomulator. He wanted an easy way for technicians to […]
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Primary & Secondary Air in Combustion – Short #187
 In this short podcast, Bryan dives into a gas heating topic: primary & secondary air in combustion. Primary air is the air and oxygen content that enters the furnace BEFORE combustion. In older furnaces, prior to induced combustion, air was drawn in through the front. These older furnaces had adjustable shutters that we could […]
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Heat Pump Basics In Plain Language
 In this solo podcast, Bryan provides an introduction to heat pumps, explaining the basics of how they work and key considerations in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. He starts by reviewing some core HVAC principles – that heat moves from higher temperatures to lower temperatures, the three main methods of […]
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Women in HVAC (Live Rebroadcast)
 This podcast brought together several women working in the HVAC industry to discuss their experiences and offer advice. The conversation focused on the positives of working in HVAC as a woman, the importance of community, and the resources available. The women talked extensively about how welcoming and supportive the HVAC community, and particularly HVAC […]
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