
Tech Tips:

Ventilation, Filtration, and Humidity Control: The Holy Trinity of IAQ
At the time of the publication of this article, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is spreading across the world at an alarming rate, and many people have self-quarantined to help slow or stop the spread of the virus. These precautionary measures are prudent and responsible. However, with the increased amount of time people spend inside their homes, there […]
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Does a Furnace Decrease Humidity?
Does heating the air cause the humidity in the air to decrease? Yes and no. Heating air causes the RELATIVE humidity percentage to decrease, but it does not change the overall moisture content in grains of moisture per lb of air. Many old-timers will swear a blue blaze that oversizing a furnace will directly result […]
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Relative Humidity of Air Below Freezing
I was listening to someone talk about air relative humidity the other day while looking at a psychrometric chart, and he commented that the chart ends down at freezing (32°F) because “all the water freezes out of the air at that point.” I think I made this Jed Clampett face: The psychrometric chart is designed […]
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A Bit of Adiabatic Air Science For Techs – FB Live Video
In this video Bryan talks about Heat (Enthalpy) Adiabatic cooling Latent and Sensible heat Evaporative Cooling Humidity Blower Off Delay
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