
Tech Tips:

Oil Best Practices for HFC and HFO-based Systems
This tech tip was written by Don Gillis with Chemours. Thanks, Don! The shift to R-410A from R-22 brought some pretty big changes to the industry, including the shift to polyolester (POE) oil. We had been using mineral oil for CFC refrigerants like R-12 and HCFCs like R-22, so we had to update some of […]
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Fancy Refrigerant Words
The HVAC industry uses all sorts of fancy words to classify refrigerant. As such, there are all sorts of complicated refrigerant acronyms: HFC, HCFC, CFC. Let's also not forget the mythical zeotropic, azeotropic, and near-azeotropic descriptors. Let's simplify those. (Though if you want to go back to the basics first, check out this article on […]
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EPA Section 608 Changes Every Tech and Contractor Needs to Know (Podcast)
In this episode of the podcast, Jeremy Arling from the EPA comes on and answers some common questions about the new rule changes that affect recovery, leak repair, recordkeeping, and evacuation on HVAC and refrigeration systems. EPA 608 rules regulate the actions that technicians must take when it comes to refrigerants and the atmosphere, such […]
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