#heat pumps

Tech Tips:

Good COP – Bad COP
There has been a lot of advice being tossed around by contractors and builders about the best time to use the emergency heat feature on an all-electric heat pump system. The answer is never! That was easy. Next article… In all seriousness, “Emergency Heat” should be used as described, ONLY during an emergency. I guess I should […]
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Introduction to Pool Heat Pumps
Air-to-water pool heat pumps are seeing more and more popularity in the climates that can support them over the more traditional gas and electric pool heaters we usually see. While they definitely contain some familiar operating principles to an air-to-air heat pump, there are some striking differences in how the heat is transferred and how […]
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Jim Bergmann & MQ Update from NCI Summit
 Bryan sits down with Jim Bergmann at the NCI Summit in Asheville, North Carolina, to discuss the latest developments in HVAC technology, training, and industry trends. The discussion delves into the evolution of MeasureQuick 3.0, highlighting the shift back to a more technician-centric approach. Jim explains how they've redesigned the software to put gauges […]
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Q&A – Sizing Heat Pumps for Heat Load – Short #213
 In this short Q&A podcast, Bryan answers a listener-submitted question about sizing heat pumps for heat load in heating mode, something that we haven't talked much about in the past due to the greater need for cooling in our market. In most cases across the country, a heat pump's heating loads will be greater […]
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Heat Pump Basics In Plain Language
 In this solo podcast, Bryan provides an introduction to heat pumps, explaining the basics of how they work and key considerations in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. He starts by reviewing some core HVAC principles – that heat moves from higher temperatures to lower temperatures, the three main methods of […]
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Is Dual Fuel the Answer? w/ Tom Buescher
 In this HVAC School podcast, Bryan and Tom Buescher with Copeland discuss dual-fuel heat pump systems as an intermediate step towards more sustainable heating solutions. They talk about the overall goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from residential heating and cooling, which accounts for over half of home energy use. While heat pumps can […]
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Preparing Non-Techs for a Southern Winter
Central Florida techs know the Southern winter all too well. Let's face it. It doesn't get super cold here regularly, but when it does, EVERYONE FREAKS. We get an abundance of service calls for unpleasant but not truly problematic conditions when people use their heaters. When people first turn on their heat, they can get […]
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The Great Heat Pump Revolt of 2026 and How to Avoid It
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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Electrification in HVAC: An Update
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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