
Tech Tips:

OK, But How Do I Actually “Do” a Manual T?
A few weeks back, I wrote an article called “5 Takeaways from Manual T.” That was a nice article, but I sense there was some disappointment. Some of you still want to know how to “do” a Manual T. Well, this article is for you! We are going to go through the process of selecting […]
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Sizing Return Grilles
A few weeks ago, I spent several days redoing a duct system and replacing a furnace for a friend. I had static pressure readings from before the system was replaced, and with the new furnace that I had picked out, I had created a static pressure budget and felt confident I could significantly lower the […]
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Size and Orientation of Return Grilles and Supply Registers
Proper sizing and orientation of grilles, registers, and diffusers may seem like such a simple thing, but it's an area where confusion and mistakes are commonly made. First, let's define some terms. Return  A return draws air into a return duct system with negative pressure compared to the space, usually via a fixed “grille” (also […]
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