
Tech Tips:

Properly Diagnosing a Gas Furnace Pressure Switch
This article was written by boiler technician Justin Skinner. Big thanks to Justin for being one of the rare techs who cares enough to take the time to write something like this. Thank you, Justin! Pressure switches are used in a variety of applications. Generally, they are a normally open switch that closes with either […]
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TH, TR, and TH/TR Gas Valve Terminals
Jesse Grandbois is one of the techs who reads the tech tips, and he wrote a few tips that he wanted to share on some gas furnace control basics. This tip is about the basic terminal designations on a typical 24v gas valve. Thanks, Jesse! Have you ever noticed the TH/TR terminal on a gas […]
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Boiler Basics Part 2 – Components
This article is the second in a series on boiler basics by senior boiler tech Justin Skinner. Thanks, Justin. There are many types of boilers that do many different things, but almost all of them have some of the same basic components. It's partially because regulatory agencies require them, and other times, it's because they […]
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Boiler Basics Part 1 – Types and Components
This series of articles is written by senior boiler tech (and all-around swell guy) Justin Skinner. Thanks, Justin. There are quite a few different types of boilers out in the world. They come in all shapes, sizes, pressures, and types of fuel burned. I'm going to go over some of the more common ones, their […]
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Boiler Basics Part 4 – Piping
Please note: There have been some legitimate questions about a few of the points in this article and the diagrams. While Justin Skinner is an experienced tech and totally qualified to write this article, we will be specifically looking into the question of the best location of the circulator pump and addressing the “point of […]
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Oil Nozzles
This article was written by Senior Boiler Tech Justin Skinner. Thanks, Justin. Oil burner nozzles are present in most forced combustion air burners. They are used with an oil pump to atomize fuel oil and allow it to burn. Atomizing is raising the pressure of the fuel and forcing it through the nozzle. Essentially, the […]
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Venting for High-Efficiency Gas Furnaces – Part 2 Assembly
This article was written by senior furnace tech Benoît (Ben) Mongeau. Ben hails from the frozen tundra of Ontario, Canada, where high-efficiency gas furnaces are commonplace. While some codes and practices may be different from the US, I find that most of it is common sense and translates pretty well. One glaring difference between Canada […]
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Venting for High efficiency Gas Furnaces – Part 1 Materials
This article was written by senior furnace tech Benoît (Ben) Mongeau. Ben hails from the frozen tundra of Ontario, Canada, where high-efficiency gas furnaces are commonplace. While some codes and practices may be different from the US, I find that most of it is common sense and translates pretty well. One glaring difference between Canada […]
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Boiler Basics Part 3 – Steam
This article was written by Senior Boiler Tech Justin Skinner. Thanks, Justin. Steam plays a very important part in all of our lives, whether we know it or not. Virtually every article of clothing and accessory you are wearing right now relied on steam for either manufacturing or packaging. Hospitals use large steam boilers for […]
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