#expansion valve

Tech Tips:

Piston vs. TXV Metering Devices
The piston (fixed orifice) and TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) are the two most common metering devices in use today, though some modern systems utilize an electronically-controlled metering device called an EEV (electronic expansion valve). It should be noted that there are other types of fixed-orifice metering devices, like capillary tubes; however, their use is not […]
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What to Check Before Condemning the TXV
I just noticed this portion of the Carrier air handler sticker for the first time the other day. I'm like most techs; it's easy for us to ignore the great info posted right in front of us on the data tag. That's because so many of the notices contain info we are used to seeing. […]
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How to Diagnose a TXV Failure
There has been much written and many jokes made about the misdiagnosis of TXV (thermostatic expansion valves), and rightly so. This article will cut straight to the point to help those of you who may still need a bit of clarification, and hopefully, we will save the lives of a few TXVs and the pocketbooks […]
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