#Delta t

Tech Tips:

Where Do I Measure Delta T?
Over time, I’ve seen people use just about every type of temperature-measuring device in just about every location imaginable. From drilling tiny holes into rooftop unit panels to sticking a K-type wire into a piece of flex duct (I don’t remember why), I’ve done it all.  Coming up through the trade, I’ve been TOLD to […]
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20° ΔT (Delta T), A Lazy Rule of Thumb
What should the delta T (ΔT) be? What do you mean!? 20 degrees, of course! We are referring to the air temperature drop across an air handling unit or evaporator coil in cooling mode. Actually, depending on who you ask, the answer will range between 18-22 degrees Fahrenheit. Heck, I’ve heard some insist that the […]
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Some Important Terms to Know
In my recent classes with my employees at Kalos, we've been going over finding target pressures and temperatures for an air conditioning system. The goal has been to get techs to have “target” readings in mind before they start connecting tools. This step is an important part of being able to “check a system without […]
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Calculating Target Delta T w/ Manufacturers’ Data
This tip was a COMMENT on the sensible heat ratio tip left by Jim Bergmann. As usual, Jim makes a great point; once you get the “sensible” capacity for a piece of equipment at a set of conditions, you can easily calculate a true target delta T. Another interesting thing you can do is use […]
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