C stands for “Common Mistake”
Uncommon Start and Run
You’re Grounded
Tech Tips:

You have seen the C terminal on a dual run capacitor before. You have also seen the C terminal on a compressor. It stands to reason that they would both connect together, right? They don't connect, and they aren't even related, at least not in the way you think. In both cases, the C denotes […]
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I walked into my first real job interview in the HVAC trade. The manager was a guy named Ernie, and he walked me out to the warehouse. Quick warning: guys named Ernie are tough. Don't mess with a dude named Ernie. He walked up to a box, snatched a pen out of his shirt pocket, […]
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One of the most common questions we get from techs is about using a voltmeter to diagnose a high voltage circuit. It's especially tricky when a tech is used to working on a low-voltage or 120V circuit, where there is a clear “hot” side of the circuit and a clear “grounded” side of the circuit. […]
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