#combustion analysis

Tech Tips:

The Chemistry of Combustion In the Wild
If you’ve been following my writing for the last couple of years, you know that I like to blather on and on about combustion analysis. Now, I am by no means an expert on the subject, as I live in North Texas (which is not known for its intense heating season), but I love using […]
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Tool Selection: Combustion Analyzers
While gauge manifolds and manometers may only have one main function, some tools take several different measurements and will have more expansive specs. The combustion analyzer is one such example—combustion has so many elements, and we need something that can analyze the concentrations of several different substances as well as temperature.  As such, a combustion […]
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How To Do a Heat Maintenance That Actually Matters
I know I’m not the only one who has sometimes felt a little bad doing heat maintenance. I remember many a day when my lead technician and I (as an apprentice) would crawl into an attic, clean the flame sensor, and then play FarmVille on our phones for 15 minutes before crawling down, giving the […]
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Combustion Testing Doesn’t Stop in the Summer
This tech tip was written by Casey Contreras. Casey is a field coach and instructor for the National Comfort Institute (NCI). Thanks, Casey! As HVAC technicians, our careers often focus on either cooling or heating. Because of this split view, we typically ignore gas-fired appliances during the cooling season. There are dangers lurking in any […]
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Practical Uses of Combustion Analysis
This tech tip reviews the live stream by the same name aired on November 1st, 2023. You can watch the full live stream HERE. We want to give special thanks to the guests: Jim Bergmann, Jim Davis, Tony Gonzalez, Louise Kellar, Bill Spohn, and Tyler Nelson! Gas furnaces (or any combustion equipment) create a controlled […]
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The Case for Buying a Combustion Analyzer
Last year, I bought my first combustion analyzer. I had just started my own company and felt the additional weight of responsibility to sit down and determine the best way to verify that the furnaces I was servicing were working safely. In the past, the most extensive testing I had done was a visual inspection […]
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Gas Furnaces – What a Tech Needs to Know
It’s that time of year again—the furnace service calls are peaking. It’s a good idea to crack open Jason Obrzut’s book, Gas Heating: Furnaces, Boilers, Controls, Components, and listen to the many public podcasts and presentations by experts like Jim Bergmann. At HVAC School, we’re fortunate to have had some of the industry’s greatest minds […]
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Static Pressure and Combustion Test Ports and Plugs
My good friend and contributor to HVAC School, Neil Comparetto, made this video showing how he creates access ports for static pressure and gas combustion analysis. As techs, we find ourselves in the tough position of needing to drill access holes to take measurements, but the drilling and sealing of the holes can sometimes create […]
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Primary & Secondary Air in Combustion – Short #187
 In this short podcast, Bryan dives into a gas heating topic: primary & secondary air in combustion. Primary air is the air and oxygen content that enters the furnace BEFORE combustion. In older furnaces, prior to induced combustion, air was drawn in through the front. These older furnaces had adjustable shutters that we could […]
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Why and How of Combustion Analysis w/ Tyler Nelson
 Bryan Orr interviews Tyler Nelson, an HVAC expert with over 20 years of experience as a contractor. They have an in-depth discussion about combustion analysis and why it is becoming increasingly important for HVAC technicians to utilize this process. The conversation provides an overview of combustion analysis benefits and why HVAC pros should incorporate […]
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