
Tech Tips:

Does Air or Nitrogen Absorb Water?
There are many examples of teaching using metaphors to help someone grasp how something works without being EXACTLY correct. Some examples are how we often use water flow to explain electrical flow or refrigerant circuit dynamics. It's enough like the way it works to get our heads wrapped around it, but there are many differences. […]
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It’s All Relative… Humidity
Florida’s got a lot of great qualities: some pretty neat wildlife, beaches all around, and theme parks. On the flip side, Florida also has hurricanes and a lot of humidity. As much of a pain as it might be for residents and contractors alike, humidity is one of my favorite topics.  We see relative humidity […]
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Density of Air & Water Part 2
Here is part 2 from Michael Housh from Housh Home Energy in Ohio. Thanks, Michael! This is part two in a series on a deeper look into the sensible heat rate equations. You can find the first article here HERE if you missed it. This article will dive deeper into the density of “standard air” […]
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Psychrometrics Without Tears
NOTE: If you cannot view the recording, the video may still be processing. The maximum wait time is 24 hours. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience.
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