The Science of Filtration


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1. What was the original purpose of filtration?

2. True or False: Electrostatic air filters rely on electronics to capture particles in the air.

3. The base ingredient of an activated carbon filter is:

4. True or False: Polyolefin filters are made of a synthetic material that can offgas and is sensitive to UV and ozone.

5. Which contaminants present a significant health risk because they're small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream?

6. True or False: 1" filters with high MERV ratings cause insurmountable static pressure drops, and tests have shown that their filtration abilities aren't satisfactory either.

7. Which filter will cause a higher static pressure drop: 1" MERV 11 filter or a 4" MERV 11 filter?

8. Which of the following tests is used to help determine a filter's MERV rating?

9. Which of the following is the preferred ASHRAE standard for setting the testing criteria and procedures for filters and other air-cleaning devices?

10. Which of the following is NOT a method of HVAC filtration?




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