The NEW ACCA Manual S User’s Guide


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1. Which section(s) of Manual S directly relate(s) to building codes?

2. What is the new name of the Manual S Informative Section?

3. Which of the following is NOT a goal of the new Manual S User's Guide?

4. Accurate Manual J load calculations are:

5. According to Russ King, what are the two sides of the comfort equation?

6. Which of the following scenarios usually causes more problems?

7. True or False: A load calculation is the first step of the equipment selection process.

8. The Manual S process is divided into ___ steps.

9. How many ways can you size heat pumps in the new Manual S?

10. True or False: Manual S allows you to size air conditioners up to 10% smaller than the cooling load (to handle 90% of the load).




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