Teaching the Invisible


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1. True or False: What is invisible can be more important than what is.

2. True or False: The role of a teacher is more than teaching a subject; it's inspiring potential.

3. True or False: Teaching one apprentice is just as important than teaching an entire class.

4. True or False: Curiosity is the urge you feel to know more about something. Build curiosity in your students, and they will want to learn more.

5. True or False: Air is generally misunderstood and unappreciated part of air conditioning.

6. True or False: Tell someone, and they forget. Show someone, and they may remember. Involve them, and they will learn.

7. True or False: Teaching is only a transfer of knowledge.

8. True or False: Teaching is about inspiring, enabling, turning mirrors into windows, and creating mental tools to solve problems.

9. True or False: YOU can be a powerful educator and influencer to somebody else.

10. True or False: There is something more to learn from deeper understanding of existing concepts to entirely new ones.




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