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1. True or False: One common reason why techs fear CO2 refrigerant is that dry ice blockages are possible.
2. What is one way that CO2 systems keep technicians safe?
3. True or False: R-290 (propane) systems are no less safe than propane tanks that can be bought and refilled at gas stations or hardware stores as long as you avoid sparks and bad electrical connections.
4. True or False: You can vent CO2 without you, the customer, or the environment experiencing any negative effects.
5. Which of the following is NOT a safety practice we want to use with flammable refrigerants?
6. True or False: Standard pressure washers found in any hardware store can apply more force than CO2 systems.
7. What does Trevor recommend to help technicians overcome their feelings of uncertainty about flammable refrigerants and CO2?
8. True or False: CO2 is a relatively new refrigerant that has only been in use in refrigeration applications for about 8 years.
9. Which of the following items did Trevor NOT recommend for technicians who want to overcome their uncertainty about flammable refrigerants and CO2?
10. There are points in many CO2 circuits where the refrigerant is neither a liquid nor a vapor. What is the state of matter?
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