Soft Skills Classroom Resources


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1. What are the two words that Steve Coscia said every 19-year-old needs to hear?

2. Complete the following phrase from the presentation: If you want them to hear it, _____ talk. If you want them to learn it, _______ talk.

3. Which of the following is NOT a classroom resource that Steve Coscia mentioned in his session?

4. What is the name of a word arranged vertically and composed of many different words horizontally?

5. What is the rule of 10?

6. Which of the following statements represents confirmation bias?

7. According to Steve Coscia, first impressions can ___________________.

8. Leaders ________________ when a plan is not working.

9. Which of the following simple actions makes you seem likable to customers and may even relieve stress?

10. True or False: Synergy is the creation of a whole greater than the sum of its parts.




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