Moving Heat Quiz


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1. What is a BTU a measure of?

2. At what temperature does water boil?

3. The heat the earth receives from the Sun is an example of:

4. If a gas is cooled in a sealed container, it will:

5. As temperature increases, molecular velocity:

6. A refrigeration circuit…

7. What is latent heat?

8. Blowing air into a space is an example of:

9. How many BTUs make up a ton?

10. Decreasing pressure will result in a _________ boiling temperature.



Rick Ruscigno
Rick Ruscigno @bryanorr

Is that all you got!?

2/12/17 at 12:13 AM

Is that all you got!?

Bryan Orr
Bryan Orr @bryanorr

I’m saving the big guns 😉

2/12/17 at 02:28 PM

I’m saving the big guns 😉

Miguel Torres
Miguel Torres @bryanorr

1 wrong. I must be learning something from my instructors lol

2/13/17 at 10:49 AM

1 wrong. I must be learning something from my instructors lol

Brandon @bryanorr

Bring on the big guns

2/13/17 at 11:07 PM

Bring on the big guns

Dave Johnsonnola
Dave Johnsonnola @bryanorr

Waiting on the bigger guns!

7/8/17 at 09:31 AM

Waiting on the bigger guns!

count leopald von licktenstock
count leopald von licktenstock @bryanorr

yessss, i gnailed it

9/19/17 at 08:50 AM

yessss, i gnailed it

Arash @bryanorr

A little precision to Q.2: The water boils at 100 degrees Celcius (but only at sea level!). The boiling point of water decreases with elevation comparing to sea level. Most parts in Florida are nearly at sea level. But, for example, at Denver, Colorado (the city is located 5,414 ft above sea level) the boiling point of water is around 94.6 degrees Celcius (202 degrees Fahrenheit).

1/22/20 at 01:12 PM

A little precision to Q.2: The water boils at 100 degrees Celcius (but only at sea level!). The boiling point of water decreases with elevation comparing to sea level. Most parts in Florida are nearly at sea level. But, for example, at Denver, Colorado (the city is located 5,414 ft above sea level) the boiling point of water is around 94.6 degrees Celcius (202 degrees Fahrenheit).

Lifter @bryanorr

Didn’t think of that one.

8/7/20 at 12:01 AM

Didn’t think of that one.

Kevin Perron @kevin-perron

I think the correct answer is 288000 not 280,000 on BTU’S per ton Question 144btu per lb times 2000 = 288000?
unless I missed something

8/4/21 at 01:49 PM

I think the correct answer is 288000 not 280,000 on BTU’S per ton Question 144btu per lb times 2000 = 288000?
unless I missed something


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