MAD AIR MADNESS! Surviving the House Of Pressure


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1. True or False: Return leaks have double the negative effects and losses as supply leaks because they lose conditioned air to the unconditioned space and cause unconditioned air to infiltrate.

2. True or False: By all design principles, zone dampers should only ever be used in the supply, never the return ductwork.

3. ______________ leaks make buildings suck in air.

4. Which of the following is a risk presented by return leakage when an unconditioned garage is attached to the conditioned space?

5. You can use the Roomulator to:

6. True or False: According to one of the cited studies in the session, it's possible for air changes per hour to nearly triple when the air handler comes on in a leaky home.

7. What was the major flaw of the first duct leakage tester by TEC?

8. In northern climates, it's _________________ for basements to be part of the conditioned space.

9. Out of the 8 houses included in the combustion safety procedure described in the session, how many failed the test?

10. True or False: It's okay and completely safe not to shut off gas appliances during a duct cleaning procedure.




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