Introduction to Air to Water Heat Pumps


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1. What is another name for an air-to-water heat pump?

2. How does an air-to-water heat pump work?

3. True or False: Many air-to-water heat pumps are ahead of the curve on the transition to low-GWP refrigerants and already use R-32 and R-454B.

4. Air-to-water heat pump systems come in packages (monobloc) and split varieties. What is one risk factor that is usually specific to packaged systems?

5. Which of the following is a common source of auxiliary heat for an air-to-water heat pump that has dipped below its balance point?

6. What is a buffer tank?

7. Which of the following is NOT an option for delivering heating or cooling to a space from an air-to-water heat pump?

8. What is the main disadvantage of adding glycol to packaged air-to-water heat pumps?

9. True or False: Heat pumps will always be more cost-effective than natural gas, wood, or other heat sources.

10. Air-to-water heat pumps also provide:




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