Fan Law 2 for Techs


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1. Which variable of Fan Law 2 represents the measured static pressure?

2. True or False: Static pressure probes have open ends to measure velocity force.

3. Which variable in Fan Law 2 represents the future static pressure or static pressure drop prediction?

4. The Affinity Laws include the fan laws and the __________ laws.

5. Which variable of Fan Law 2 represents the measured (NOT desired!) airflow?

6. Which of the following fan law(s) do we use in commercial HVAC?

7. Which variable of Fan Law 2 represents the desired airflow?

8. Which tool does Adam Mufich recommend using for measuring fan airflow?

9. True or False: Fan Law 2 can help with filter and coil selection.

10. True or False: You can reduce duct pressure and leakage by replacing an oversized system with a smaller one.




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