Beyond Manual J


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1. True or False: Ecobee thermostats can give you data about temperature trends in a customer's home under the "Home IQ" menu.

2. How can time-stamped indoor and outdoor temperature data from a smart thermostat help you with a load calculation?

3. Which item is NOT available on the spreadsheet report you can download from a customer's Ecobee thermostat?

4. In the case study with the dual-fuel heat pump & oil furnace setup, what was the switchover temperature?

5. True or False: You can use an energy monitor (like Emporia's) with current transducers to monitor when an HVAC system is on or off.

6. Which of the following data sets do you need to know to measure real-world capacity?

7. True or False: It's possible for a fully functional furnace to deliver >20,000 FEWER BTUs than the rated capacity on the data plate if the airflow is too low.

8. True or False: Data monitoring can help you identify and troubleshoot issues with the system but not the thermostat itself.

9. True or False: In one case study, the required BTUs per hour was 147,000 even despite an attic encapsulation procedure and mild duct modifications.

10. Which of the following is the 3rd-party app that you can link to an Ecobee for extended insights?




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