Basic Refrigeration Circuit

The following quiz contains 12 questions that will test your knowledge of the basic refrigeration circuit.

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1. What should be the state of the refrigerant in the suction line?

2. The part that is pointed at by the black arrows is a:

3. The discharge line travels between the:

4. The image below shows a cutaway of a component in the refrigeration circuit. What is that component?

5. Which component can often be confused with a liquid line drier because they can look similar?

6. Starting with the discharge line, which of the following shows the correct order of refrigerant states the refrigeration circuit?

7. What is the weakness of a fixed orifice metering device?

8. Which line would generally be slightly warmer than outdoor ambient (during cooling mode)?

9. Why is the compressor discharge line hot?

10. When the temperature of a __________ gas goes up, its volume goes _____________.

11. Bonus Question: You find a TXV system running high head pressure, low suction pressure, high superheat, high subcooling, and low evaporator air temperature split. What category of failure do you most likely have?

12. Which components make up the "high side" of the refrigerant circuit?



Cliff Krug
Cliff Krug
11/7/16 at 04:00 PM

Love this site. GREAT info. I use it and reccommend it to my students.Love the lectures, videos would be cool.
Cliff Krug
HVAC Instructor TN College of Applied Technology @Dickson

    Bryan Orr
    Bryan Orr
    11/7/16 at 06:45 PM

    Videos are coming. Thanks for the kind words!

      Zephaniah Benstowe
      Zephaniah Benstowe
      11/15/19 at 06:10 AM

      Greetings Mr Bryan. Am knew to this site, please can I be trained online, I want to start a career on this field. Please help

Chris Walters
Chris Walters
11/12/16 at 04:03 AM

In my classes we have a few rotary compressors and they have shiny black accumulators on them. The students call this a drier quite often because our alco display driers look very similar.
38 yrs experience, 20 years of a/c company owner, State of Texas subject matter expert and owner of a/c Training school. Currently under contract to develop a textbook

    Bryan Orr
    Bryan Orr
    11/14/16 at 02:38 AM

    Thanks Chris! Maybe we can collaborate sometime.

Josh Thomas
Josh Thomas
11/14/16 at 01:06 AM

I agree with the videos as well. Also love the podcast. Is a daily listen on the rides in the work van!

    Bryan Orr
    Bryan Orr
    11/14/16 at 02:36 AM

    Thanks Josh!

Jonathan Hoeppner
Jonathan Hoeppner
1/30/17 at 02:56 PM

I haven’t done any quick quizzes like this since I got my Journeyman ticket 11 years ago.
Made me think back to school. Ha. Good stuff. Thanks. Keep them coming.

1/27/18 at 01:23 AM

Recently started listening to your podcasts. Good stuff. Maybe you could do an episode on those fun carrier/Bryant heat exchangers they were having issues with.

3/25/19 at 01:33 AM

Have to disagree with sight glass question. If you charge past the full sight glass on a cold day the system will be overcharged at higher ambient temperatures with liquid banked up in the condenser and high discharge temperatures. Also once you have charged past a full sight glass you can easily overcharge a system. The low sight glass may be due to flash gas caused by insufficient subcooling in the condenser and liquid line and not low charge,exacerbating the problem, therefore all the answers are incorrect. Also what is a cold control? It must be an American expression. Please be more specific as any control on the low side of the refrigeration system could be called a cold control. I take it you are referring to a refrigeration evaporator or coil thermostat as opposed to a room thermostat.

Tim Adamson
Tim Adamson
9/12/22 at 07:17 PM

Love your work. Use alot of your content to try and train our guys


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