ACCA Manuals in the Real World


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1. True or False: There is a lot of room for error in the actual construction of a home, and the HVAC may not perform to the design you had in mind as a result.

2. If a system is not performing as expected, what could be wrong with the ductwork?

3. If the system isn't performing as expected, what could be wrong with the HVAC appliance?"

4. True or False: Alex recommends pulling system data from AHRI to select equipment per Manual S.

5. True or False: The shapes of your fittings have a major impact on the equivalent length of the ductwork.

6. True or False: If you need to do a 90-degree turn, it's better to have the INSIDE corner be rounded than the outside corner.

7. Plenums should ideally be as ________ as possible.

8. On a plenum, the taps should be less than ____ diameters from the entrance.

9. What is the ACCA manual for residential zoning systems?

10. True or False: When we have residential zoning systems, we want the thermostat to be in a room with a significant load.




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