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When brazing, we need to protect components that can be easily harmed by the torch, such as the TXV, the liquid line filter drier, or a service valve. In many cases, we could cover those points in wet towels, but we can also apply WetRag heat-blocking putty to surfaces to keep from conducting heat inside sensitive components or scorching the paint. You can also apply WetRag to the face of the unit if your brazing torch gets close though to the unit.
WetRag is reusable and can last for several uses; if it gets dehydrated, you can just add a bit of water to it. Once you have brazed your joints, you can simply return the WetRag to its container.
A brazing torch can cause a lot of damage to valves, compressors, and driers, and scorching the paint can cause corrosion. WetRag is an essential tool for brazing because it’s easy to use in tighter areas, molds around components easily, and protects components from heat.
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